Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Have Too Much Time on My Hands

So, a few weeks ago, I wrote this blog:

Please Protect Me...

It's about censorship, fear, and my deciding to post my silly and stupid writings on newspapers that allow readers to do so.

I decided to check in on the newspaper that put my site "under review."

Here's what happened next...

(oh, and to explain: i wrote in to one general "help" email address; different people responded to me, but the chain was never broken. anyone there could have read the entire string and been caught up to speed, had they wanted to be)

Hi, My blog/profile has been "under review" for well over a month, and possibly even two months at this point.

Just wondering how long the process takes to review my profile, and, well, what exactly that means.

Thanks much,


Dear Mr. Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding. We appreciate your business and would like to help any way we can.

However, we need additional information before we can process your request. If you would be so kind as to reply with your house number, street address and telephone number, it would be much appreciated. It is our goal to make sure we are meeting the needs of our subscribers.

Once I receive your account information, I can better determine what course of action we need to take.

We value your readership and will remain available to address all of your concerns and questions.

Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

Hey Dawn, Not sure why you're asking for the information you asked for given my request...

I have a blog/profile at the Democrat & Chronicle.

My log in is xxxxxxxxx

My password is xxxxxxxx

About six weeks ago, it went "under review by our editors," meaning if I posted a blog, no one could read it.

So... Just wondering how long this process is going to take.




Dear Mr. Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding. I have tried entering your information and was able to access your profile. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reply back to this e-mail.

We value your readership and will remain available to address all of your concerns and questions.

Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

Hi Kristie, Thanks much for the feedback.

I can access my profile, too.

The problem is, it's "under review," meaning I can access it and tool around, but it is NOT a public profile.

So, still wondering how long it will be "under review."



Dear Mr. Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

I apologize for the difficulty you experienced with our website. I have forward your concern to the appropriate department for review/correction.
Please allow us to take care of this matter promptly. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused you.


Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

(Another email arrives 10 minutes later)

Dear Mr. Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

I apologize for the inconvenience. It has been reported that your profile has been blocked for inappropriate material. If I can be of further assistance please respond to this email. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused you.


Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

Hey Tresa,
Thanks for the heads up.

Not really sure what you mean by "inappropriate material," as I never posted anything inappropriate.

Sure would be nice to have someone shoot me an email explaining where the censorship is coming from, why I'm being censored, and so on.

Simply blocking someone due to a random judgment call seems rather harsh, and, since the word is being tossed around, "inappropriate."

Since my site is listed as "under review," one would hope the editors would have contacted me with their concerns instead of simply blocking all access to the public, who the editors apparently don't feel are qualified to make their own decisions about what is and is not "inappropriate."

Could use some help here, thanks!


Dear Nathan Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding. I have escalated this matter to the appropriate department for review. Once I receive the updated information regarding the restricted access of your account, I will be able to update you via e-mail. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience while we are researching this matter for a resolution.
We value your readership and will remain available to address all of your concerns and questions.

Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

(10 minutes later, another email arrives)

Dear Nathan Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

Here is the information that you requested regarding why your access has been restricted.

The Managing Editor/Content and Digital Platforms asked that he be blocked after this post:

The Democrat & Chronicle is run by ignorant children.

The site is visited by people of all ages, with links to recent blog posts automatically highlighted on various pages.

Please note that by registering on the site, users accept our Terms of Service. The following sections are pertinent to the blocking of content on the site:

Insert legal mumbo jumbo here, the same as on every site: "We're in charge, we do what we want. If we don't like you, we're going to delete you without warning. You're a stupid jerk for thinking you could ever be good enough for our website." And so on.

We value your readership and will remain available to address all of your concerns and questions.

Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle


Thanks Brandon!

I had no clue I was dealing with a tightly-wound hyper-Christian with no sense of decency, morals or humor. Now that I do, I can best monitor what I write to conform to those standards, ones that apparently set off no alarms anywhere else in the country. Does the content editor ever leave his/her house, or is the outside world too scary?


Either way, thanks for the heads up.

If I delete that post, will my site go active again?


Dear Nathan Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

I apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, access has been denied, the Managing Editor/Content and Digital Platform has asked that your profile be blocked after the post expressed below was posted. We are not authorized to reactivate your profile. If I can be of further assistance please respond to this email. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused you.

Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

Thanks Tresa! So... as asked, if that post goes away, will my account be reactivated?



Dear Nathan Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding. At this time your access has been denied. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reactivate your access as you have requested.

Account Specialist

Lol, no misunderstanding here, that's all at your end.

Do you guys even read these emails, or do you just fire off standard but unhelpful stock responses?

It's like I ask question "A," and you respond to question "H," something not even asked.

Makes your tag about being Rochester's #1 source for news and information quite silly.

To Repeat: I have an "inappropriate" post on my blog. If that "inappropriate" post goes away, will my blog be reactivated, or is the Democrat & Chronicle run on a "one strike and you're off forever" business model, where that "one strike" is determined arbitrarily?

Thanks much,


Dear Nathan Timmel,

Thank you for contacting The Democrat & Chronicle. Rochester's #1 source for news and information!

Since your access has been denied, regardless if the post goes away, your access is still denied.

Account Specialist
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

and there you have it.

oh, and for the record?

i still HAVE ACCESS to my blog.

it's just not available for anyone to see.

so, no matter how hard they try, they're still idiots.


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