Sunday, March 16, 2008

all my friends live far away

today was an odd day.

i'm in utah, and got to visit with my friends christian and jamie; a lovely wedded couple.

while i am surrounded by mormons, lyds is examining the aftermath of katrina in new orleans, where she tonight met and had dinner with my friends brian and chris. brian i've known since junior fucking high, which was forever ago, and brian started dating chris in college. lyds phoned me earlier and said she really, really liked them and was glad to finally meet one of my best friends and future best man.

either way, lyds and i hang out with very few coupled people; most of our interminglings with others involve group events or the like. which is great; i like all our friends and enjoy spending time with them.

i did, though, have a moment today where i just knew jamie and lyds--they've never met--would get along famously. our relationships are so similar, jamie & christian and lyds & i, that it just seemed natural. i've never had a thought like that before, and when lyds was telling me about her visit with brian and chris, the same idea seemed present. so though i regret little in life, i had the fleeting feeling that it's unfortunate we all exist so far apart from one another.

i am getting so very old.

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